Wednesday, January 23, 2008


For those wanting to know, Cooper did great with his shots. He did scream for a minute or two, but that was it. He wasn't fussy at all when we got home. Actually he slept all evening and all night. He then slept almost all day yesterday. Last night he did have a low fever, but we gave him more Tylenol and it took care of it. I was a little worried since he slept so much that he wouldn't sleep well last night, but he did pretty good. This morning the fever was all gone.

He weighs 11 lbs and 9 oz now, which is the 50th percentile and his length is 22 inches, which is the 20 percentile. Looks like he is going to take after his mommy!

1 comment:

Dawn Jenkins said...

Isn't shots the worst thing ever (well up to this point)? I am not looking forward to March.