They had one playground roped off for the kids under 2 and a big field roped off for kids 3-10. One side was supposed to be for older kids and the other side for kids 3-7. Parents were only allowed to help out the kids under 2. I knew Cooper would be upset about this. He doesn't do well in larger crowds, especially if kids get aggressive. I tried to talk to him about and had he did seem okay with it at the time. The plans were for the younger kids to go first then all the older ones. The lady announcing all this said this several times. The plan was for all four of us to wait by Cameron's age group, I would help him grab a couple eggs, then walk over to Cooper's age group for it to start. All of this is roped off. They cut the rope for Cameron's age then she says "go". I am helping him when I hear the lady yell no, I turn around to see the older kids, ages 7 and up, run out into the field. I assume they just ran under the ropes. Of course my mom has to grab Cooper and run him over to the field to even start because if the 3-7 year olds didn't go the big kids would have taken their eggs too. Cooper was crying, he just doesn't handle crowds at all. He ends up with one egg and it doesn't even have anything in it. I think Cameron got 5 and most of those had Jolly Ranchers in it, you know cause 1 year olds can eat those. I can't say it was a total loss, we got out of the house for a while and Steve worked today so it wasn't like there was anything else going on.
My mom took Cooper "exploring", I think it may have been his favorite part of the day.