Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I just have to share a few moments we have had the past few weeks. Have you ever been so exhausted that you have no idea what is going on around you? I am there. Sometimes in the middle of the night I will wake up and wonder if I put Cameron back in his bassinet, when did I feed him last, is he in bed with us, am I still feeding him. At times I have no idea what is going on. Steve has a good one though. Last night he was a little restless and it wasn't near time to eat again so Steve got up and rocked him for a few minutes and it did the trick. By the time he woke back up it had been about 4 1/2 hours since he last ate. I made the comment that it would be great if he could do that without being rocked. Which my husband asks me "did you rock him, for how long" I had to remind him that no, he was the one who got up, not me.


Tracey said...

Oh my word...that is so hilarious! I totally know what you are talking about. It's horrible but passes quickly. :) I feel like that was a lifetime ago now and it's just been a few months! Hang in there. You are doing great.

ginmommy said...

HAHAHAHA. This brings back soooooo many memories. Totally sleep deprived and walking around in a fog. Falling asleep and totally inappropriate times!!! Poor Jami and Steve, hang in there it gets better eventually ;)

Jill said...

Haha! I so remember that. I felt like a crazy woman. It will be gone before you know it! :)

A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

ha ha ha!! so funny!! hang in there! :)

Amy said...

I kind of have forgot about all of that, but I'm sure I will remember pretty quick was our little guy gets here. Of course he seems to be pretty comfy so I don't know if he will ever come. Ha :)

We plan on putting Lilly in Wee Ones next year. Feel free to ask any questions about Wee Ones. Lucas loves it and so do I.

Jaime Mac said...

Funny post, JLL! However, I cannot relate in any way.... EXCEPT that sometimes when I'm napping on the weekends & I wake up & the clock says 7:00, I freak out thinking I've overslept for work. Isn't that basically the same thing? :)