My church playgroup went to Huber's today to pick pumpkins and since it had been a while that Cooper & I had a day for us I asked Steve's mom to babysit Cameron so we could go, just the two of us. I also invited Sharon & Allie to meet us up there. It was such a fun day, I think it was something both Cooper & I needed.
Sharon & I both got there a little early so we could have time to walk around and take some pictures before the rest of the group arrived. Cooper would not let me help me look out the hole on this. He had to do it all by himself.

I am the worst person to take pictures, in an effort to get Cooper in this I cut off the cow's head.

Next up was lunch in which Cooper got a real treat- Sprite. He downed this thing. He never gets soda so he loved it.

Lunch with a big crowd always takes while so by the time everyone got done eating we only had time do the pumpkin path and not the play area or petting zoo. I needed to get home and Cooper almost fell asleep on the way. He didn't seem to mind missing out, he loved the wagon ride. I wish I could have gotten a video of him, he was smiling and laughing.

An attempted self-portrait.

We set off to find the perfect "Cooper pumpkin"

Will that one work buddy?

Keep trying....

Yup, we got one!

It was such a perfect day to be out. A little chilly, but not cold and an awesome break from the 90's we had been having. A huge thanks to Mamaw & Papaw. I loved spending the day with my big guy.
Glad to see that you got to spend some time with Cooper!! It looks like he had a good time!!
Ahhh, cute pictures! It's nice to have those one on one days :) Hubers is fun this time of year!
BTW, love ur necklace. I have the same one!!!
I love the pic of him picking up the pumpkin. His face is like, "Whoa, this is heavy!"
I also LOVE the necklace gals! I'm too chicken to wear it but it looks great on you! :)
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