Sunday, March 30, 2014

We Still Have One More Week!

After a couple busy days last week we took it easy on Friday.  After a quick trip to the Y we just hung out at home preparing from some guests that evening.  Our friends from church, Matt & Stefanie, came over with Aiden and their new baby Maverick.  I cannot put into words how much my kids love them.  Probably because Matt is just a big kid himself and Aiden, who is 18 months, just laughs at pretty much everything my boys do.

Saturday morning we had tickets to Derby Dinner to see The Jungle Book.  We bought tickets last fall when we were there for Miss Nelson has a Field Day.  I was a little disappointed when I learned they would not do any songs from the movie. All the songs were original songs written specifically for this stage production.  It was still as adorable as ever and we had a great time.  Before it started Cooper asked what would Mowgli wear since he only has on underwear in the movie.  He had more than that on during the play :)

We spend the rest of the day hanging out at home. Once the rain ended I went for a run and must have been feeling good because I got home and my watch said I had been going for 40 minutes.  I haven't done that since last summer. It felt good and I can feel it in my legs today.  I love that feeling.

My plans this week were to take Cooper and Cameron to the zoo on Monday.  I found out Saturday that Steve would not be going to his student small group so we went today instead.  It was a bit cooler than it's supposed to be tomorrow but I'm glad we went.  It was crowded and I'm sure it will be just as busy tomorrow with JCPS off.
Before heading over we had lunch at Culver's.  As we were leaving the line was wrapped around the inside of the building.  This is what I get when I ask my family for pictures.

Not much to say about the zoo, we walked around, seen the animals, and came home. It was our first trip without a stroller since we had kids. That was nice!  Both boys fell asleep on the way home so it must have been a success.

If you can't tell from my title... We have one more week of Spring Break!!!!!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

1 day wasn't enough so we went for 2

Wednesday morning I packed up the boys and we headed out to see Sharon, Allie, and Wyatt.  We have such a great time out there and this was no exception.  Of course Sharon is super laid back and allows the kids to wreck the house and she doesn't care when kids are at a noise level 10 all day.  We tired our best at getting their pictures but my iPhone 4 just wasn't doing justice.  Sharon took some amazing photos with her new professional camera, but you are stuck with my almost 4 year old phone.

Allie is on break from preschool right now and Sharon was mentioning wanting to do something else this week with the kids, something different than usual.  With that another plan was born and we met up again today.  
We had some rowdy kids in Pizza King, which was alright because they needed to be good at our next stop.  It didn't help that someone stopped by our table and gave us free cotton candy.

Our next stop was Earth & Fire.  We were brave taking a 6,5,3,and 2 year old.  They did good, yes Wyatt broke something but it was his piece he had already painted so it was all good.  I may have even got a Mother's Day gift out of the way for someone, but you can't see it until then.

Our last stop was Orange Leaf for a treat, these kids did not want to end their day together.  

I wish our kids could spend more time together.  Distance and different schedules make it hard but we do what we can.

Monday, March 24, 2014

It's Starting out Perfect!

Day one of Spring Break is starting out darn near perfect.
First, I slept in today.  Monday is usually a day I work out early, I did two classes on Sunday just so I could sleep in.  Perfect!
The boys took turns playing with my phone while I continued to lay in bed, we ate breakfast, then they quietly watched Frozen (again) while I got ready.  Perfect!
Cooper had a check up for his ears from our infection last month and his ears look.... you guessed it... Perfect!

Then met up with this wild and crazy gang and headed up to Columbus for their indoor playground.  Perfect!

This was our first visit so I wasn't sure what to expect.  I got a little nervous when I seen it was crowded but I was proud, my kids handled it well.   School has really brought this kid out of his shell.  He climbed to the very top of this contraption.  

These two right here are something else.  Maggie told Eric she was going to marry Cameron, of course this was after Eric told her she couldn't marry him or Levi.  Then they both said I love you to each other today.

Cameron played his little heart out and I even got some lovin'.  Perfect!

They all seemed to have a good time and even posed for pictures.

And of course, spending the day with this gal is perfect!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

A Fun Saturday

Yesterday was fun family day doing a few things out of the norm for us.  First up was a trip to the Jeffersonville Library.  I"m ashamed to admit I have never been to that library.  We just go to Charlestown or Sellersburg.  Steve got a Kindle with his birthday money and Jeffersonville has a larger selection of e-books so we headed there to get him a card.  My boys were missing out when it comes to the children's section.  It's so much bigger plus it's all upstairs so you don't have to worry about being quiet.  

Cooper loves maps so it's no surprise he loved the globe.

He also got his very own library card.  Now we just need to get him a Clark County one.

We came back home for lunch and to watch Frozen again (surprise, surprise) before heading up to Seymour to watch Clarksville boys play in the semi-state game.  One of Steve's buddies from high school helped coach a few years back and they got new uniforms so he snagged Steve's old jersey for him.   

They played a school called Park Tudor, it's a private school somewhere near Indy.  Seeing their student section and really just their whole crowd makes me all the more proud to be from a small community that loves their basketball.  It wasn't anything new for this team to be there, Steve says they have gone to state before and even though they are a 2A basketball school they could have a shot at state if we had just one class basketball.  But lemme show you the comparison of student sections.
Park Tudor

Clarksville was way bigger and much louder too.

Sadly, Park Tudor came out on top.  Their kids were just so much bigger than Clarksville's.  Clarksville hung in their though.  The Clarksville crowd cheered louder for their team when they walked off the court than Park Tudor's crowd cheered for them when they won.  It wasn't even close to the celebration Borden put on last year.  

The highlight of the game for my boys had to be candy. I got them some popcorn for the first half and I candy in my purse for the second half.  Scott took them walking at halftime and came back with Skittles, Starburst, Oreos, and Airheads.  

We all went out to eat after the game and usually it's a treat when we go out because I let them get lemonade or Sprite since we mostly drink water at home.  I told Cooper he had a lot of candy so he was getting water at the restaurant.  We went to Steak N'Shake and the server came to get our drink order and without hesitation Cooper said, "I ate a lot of candy I need to get water".  It was cute!  
Oh and Cooper took off his Generals jersey and proudly wore his JJ Pirate shirt the rest of the night.  He can't forget who he really is!

Friday, March 21, 2014

It's Spring Break!

It's Spring Break!  You would think that it being Spring Break and all that I would jump out of bed all ready to go but I still had to pull myself out of bed to go to the gym this morning.  5 am is rough!  I made it though, got Cooper off to school and waited anxiously to start our 2 week long break.  

Again I couldn't pass up an opportunity to go to the park after school.  Can you believe it's gonna be in the 30's again next week.  Wasn't yesterday the first day of Spring?
Cooper showed off a little of his dance moves, those are his words.

I'm not used to Mr. Brave Guy climbing, I guess that is what is almost 8 months of outdoor recess does to ya.

 Every time we go the park, I mean every time, Cameron gets hurt.  Last time he cried for a good 20 minutes and by the time he stopped it was time to leave.  Today was no different but lucky the crying only lasted a couple minutes this time.

I had planed on getting Little Caesar's pizza cause you know it's $5 and I'm cheap like that, but Cooper insisted on Papa John's.  How can I deny that?  Pizza and Root Beer make for two happy boys.

 But you know what makes for two even happier little boys?  A Frozen movie night, complete with Uncle Scott and maybe even a little hot fudge sundaes.

Spring Break is off to a fantastic start!  A lot better than a couple weeks ago, I found this on my camera and the date stamp has me to believe it was the same day as our last snow day.

I think we were all over it.  Let's all say a prayer of thanksgiving that we made it to break and now we have a full two weeks to get us into April and then, just maybe no more snow days.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Being Intentional

I read a blog earlier this year about being intentional.  It basically boiled down to being more intentional in everything you do.  Intentional with your kids, your spouse, your faith, your friendships.  The list goes on.  I've decided I need to become more intentional.  Like this blog for one!  Okay, so that is a minor one but I really do love going back and reading old blog posts and I just don' blog like I used to.  Part of it is due to our schedule, but I have one child at home still, I need to be more intentional about finding the fun and blog worthy material in our everyday life.  

So here goes.  One day last week we had a beautiful 75 degree and sunny day.  It was going to be my day to pick Cooper up and head to the Y for spin. The weather was going to drastically change in next 24 hours so at the last minute I changed my plans and we headed to the park. Couldn't have made a better decision.  That bike was waiting for me the next morning, along with a cold windy day. More intentional with the time I'm given with my kids. 

A few days later, notice we have went from a t-shirt to a sweatshirt, I put this on Cameron.  We watched Aiden (from church) a few weeks ago and he has the same sweatshirt.  Cameron was out of control excited to look like baby Aiden.  More intentional about finding the everyday small things to make blog worthy.

 JJ had their Spring Festival last Friday. I have went to all the PTO meetings this year and if they will still have me, may be an officer next year.  All officers have children leaving the school so it's a whole new PTO next year.  Those that are coming in needed to be initiated into the Spring Festival.  We worked at the school Thursday evening for a couple hours putting together baskets and then worked again Friday.  I got to the school around 11 on Friday morning and minus a short break to run Cooper home and get Cameron before coming back, I was there until almost 10 that night.  The festival was a success, despite my kids being inside the bounce house when it started to deflate and Cameron taking a face plant on the gym floor.  
This is what was left of our late night crew.  This is me being more intentional on stepping outside my comfort zone and giving myself a sense of accomplishment outside the home.  

I feel like when both boys are at home I try to go out of my way to do fun things with them.  With Cooper in school, Cameron and I spend most days at home, minus our CBS days.  I need to be more intentional with him too.  Just as I was when it was just Cooper.  Today after CBS we went to Chick-fil-A for lunch and instead of picking it up for home, we went in to eat and play.  He was so excited to learn we would be going in.  Just another shot at being intentional again.  

I used to be so good at blogging all the little things in our life. Looking back I see the decline began when Cooper started preschool.  It wasn't much at first but then he went to three a day preschool  and then he started kindergarten and now it's almost never.  I registered Cameron preschool today.  I don't want this time to get away from me. I don't want to use the excuse "well it's only two mornings a week, we still have a lot of time".  Cause you know what, Cooper was just two mornings a week not too long ago and he's now 3/4th of his way through kindergarten!  Time is slipping and I can't let it get away from me.  

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Read Across America

This past Friday JJ celebrated Read Across America.  I didn't get the memo until Wednesday that kids could dress up as their favorite book character.  Lucky for us we have plenty of comic book costumes and they counted.  Cooper decided on Captain America and it just so happens that his buddy Luke dressed  up as Thor.  Their teacher sent us these pics from that day.

 Love this one!

Friday and Saturday were filled with fun activities and wouldn't you know I didn't get a darn picture.  Tracey and Maggie came over to play on Friday.  Steve & I had a date night for his birthday on Friday evening.  On Saturday Cooper had a basketball game, we had lunch with my mom and nephew then they came over to play, then Tracey brought Maggie and Levi back over Saturday evening to play.  Not a single picture!  But we did happen to get a video of Cooper making his first basket in a game!!!  I sound like a crazy momma screaming on that thing.  He was so proud of himself.  We only have one more game so it came at a perfect time.

Hope your week is going well!