Friday, October 29, 2010
My Son the Smartie
Last night after trick or treating we let Cooper get a piece of candy out and he chose a roll of Smarties. Today after lunch he chose the same thing. Of course he reminds me that he ate that last night, as he always reminds me of things he did the day or morning before. Then he goes on to tell me that he eats that at exercise (Jazzercise). Then I remembered that Ms Sue the babysitter brings in Smarties for all the kids. Then I got to thinking, he hasn't seen her in at least four months because the high school kids babysit in the summer. I know he has a good memory, but he seriously amazes me at times.
Annual Trick or Treating at Kindred
Each year the nursing home where Steve works has trick or treating for the kids. They line the residents up in the halls and the kids walk up and down and trick or treat. It is one of our favorite things to do. Of course Steve knows half of the residents but it's also fun to see the joy in their eyes as they see all the children. This was our third year going and on the way we were thinking how much has changed since our first trip. Cooper was just 11 months old and it was close to bedtime on the way back home. I had to sit in the back to keep him occupied because he was getting fussy. Then last year he was a little better but it was still getting late so he needed a sucker. This year, no problems. He is getting so big!
A quick photo op before we get started.
I know this is blurry but I had to post it anyway, I love the excitement on his face.
I don't want to sugar coat anything, Cameron is a little fuss bucket at times, especially in the eveing. So it was to our delight that he did this pretty much the entire time.

I can't tell if he is being good and patient waiting for it to begin or if he sees a scary costume. Please excuse the big booty in the background.
A quick photo op before we get started.

I can't tell if he is being good and patient waiting for it to begin or if he sees a scary costume. Please excuse the big booty in the background.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Pumpkins, Pumpkins and more Pumpkins
We did a few different things with our pumpkins this year. First up was of course the Pirate.
Then I let Cooper paint the pumpkin we got from Huber's. This didn't last long and I never got a good picture of the finished product. He wanted to quit after about 15 mintues and Cameron started crying so we had to stop.

Halloween at Tot Time
I enrolled Cooper in his final tot time session for this fall, next up will be story hour. Wow, he sure is growing up. Today they got to dress up and go Trick or Treating. Our class is small compared to previous sessions and only one other child dressed up, but I couldn't help but dress up my little monkey. Here he is clapping to one of his songs.
Smile for mommy!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010
First Photo
Steve's parents brought over some pictures the other night that they had taken and I wanted to share one. Sorry, it's not best the quality since I had to scan it in but that's not what matters.
As I blogged before Cooper had some rough mornings when I was in the hospital. Overall he did great, he would just cry in the mornings and after naps when he realized I was still gone. The day I was released my doctor didn't show up to the hospital until after noon so it didn't look promising that I would get to go home that day. I wanted to go home a day early but it all depended on what Dr Riely said. Finally, shortly after lunch she stopped by and quickly started working on my release papers. We got on the road around 3:00. I was hoping that Cooper would still be napping when we got home so I could surprise him as he woke up. The plan worked. Once we heard him in his room we all went in there and the look on his face was priceless. He kept saying, "mommy home, Cameron home". It was so sweet. So although this isn't the best picture, I will never forget the emotions when it was taken. I was home with my family!

Monday, October 25, 2010
Mini-Photo Shoot
Friday, October 22, 2010
Pa or Paul?
For some reason Cooper has an obsession with Paul, Gretchen's husband. Every time we are doing something with Gretchen he always ask about Paul. Just last week when we met them at the park he kept asking about him. The funny thing is he hasn't been around Paul on many occasions. So, yesterday at the library he picks out a My First Little House book by Laura Ingalls Wilder. I'm pretty sure he thinks we are reading a book about Paul and not Pa.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
I tried my best
Steve made Cooper a new chart that when we completes he can go to Chuck E Cheese again. Of course that is all he talked about for two days, wanting to go to Chuck E Cheese and throw the ball up the ramp (Skee Ball). I tried my best to make a ramp for him. The first time the tunnel kept falling over to one side.
So next I tried putting it against the couch.

Help This Child
The other morning I got out the markers for Cooper to play with. Steve's parents brought over a giant pumpkin & ghost someone had given them to give to Cooper, so I thought we could color and paint them. I happened to look over and my poor child had dried food on his face, along with black marker. I promise I give him baths.

I Can't Believe It
I ordered Cooper's birthday party supplies today! I can't believe my baby is going to be 3 in a few weeks!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Bath Time
Even though his cord fell off a couple of weeks ago I had still been giving Cameron a sponge bath. Sunday night I decided it was time to use the bathtub. Cooper could care less about getting a bath at his age. He always did so good. Well, Cameron didn't like the sponge bath and as you can tell from the pictures he wasn't a fan of the real bath either.

Friday, October 15, 2010
I almost forgot
Cameron got his first shot yesterday. We chose not to get his first hep B shot in hospital and opted for it at one month instead. Little guy did so good! He usually gives us some ear piercing screams. He only cried for a few seconds then as soon as I picked him up he calmed down. Wish I could be that calming during the evening hours.

Thursday, October 14, 2010
1 Month
We had Cameron's 1 month check-up with Dr Howell this afternoon. I can't believe he is 1 month already. It goes by so fast!!!
Stats are- 9 lb 9 oz- 35th percentile
21 1/2 inches- 25th percentile
and his head was 65th (Cooper's was always around 90th)
He is gaining weight pretty much the same rate Cooper did. Cameron was 5 oz more at birth than Cooper and was 6 oz more at his 1 month check up.
Everything checked out good. She may have heard a slight heart murmur but she isn't concerned and just told us she will look (hear) for it at the next appointment. She did give him a prescription to treat reflux. He has been having some screaming fits, at times lasting 2-3 hours on and off. Usually mid-morning and early evening each day. She doesn't like to jump to the conclusion that a baby has colic because there really is no known cause and she wants to get to the root of the problem. I started him on the medicine tonight so hopefully in a few says we will see a difference. I'm not 100% convinced that is it I just think he needs extra attention.
I've included a picture of Cooper (the first one) and Cameron each taken at one month. I tried to get the same pose.

Stats are- 9 lb 9 oz- 35th percentile
21 1/2 inches- 25th percentile
and his head was 65th (Cooper's was always around 90th)
He is gaining weight pretty much the same rate Cooper did. Cameron was 5 oz more at birth than Cooper and was 6 oz more at his 1 month check up.
Everything checked out good. She may have heard a slight heart murmur but she isn't concerned and just told us she will look (hear) for it at the next appointment. She did give him a prescription to treat reflux. He has been having some screaming fits, at times lasting 2-3 hours on and off. Usually mid-morning and early evening each day. She doesn't like to jump to the conclusion that a baby has colic because there really is no known cause and she wants to get to the root of the problem. I started him on the medicine tonight so hopefully in a few says we will see a difference. I'm not 100% convinced that is it I just think he needs extra attention.
I've included a picture of Cooper (the first one) and Cameron each taken at one month. I tried to get the same pose.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Mommy & Cooper Day
My church playgroup went to Huber's today to pick pumpkins and since it had been a while that Cooper & I had a day for us I asked Steve's mom to babysit Cameron so we could go, just the two of us. I also invited Sharon & Allie to meet us up there. It was such a fun day, I think it was something both Cooper & I needed.
Sharon & I both got there a little early so we could have time to walk around and take some pictures before the rest of the group arrived. Cooper would not let me help me look out the hole on this. He had to do it all by himself.
I am the worst person to take pictures, in an effort to get Cooper in this I cut off the cow's head.
Next up was lunch in which Cooper got a real treat- Sprite. He downed this thing. He never gets soda so he loved it.
Lunch with a big crowd always takes while so by the time everyone got done eating we only had time do the pumpkin path and not the play area or petting zoo. I needed to get home and Cooper almost fell asleep on the way. He didn't seem to mind missing out, he loved the wagon ride. I wish I could have gotten a video of him, he was smiling and laughing.
An attempted self-portrait.
Sharon & I both got there a little early so we could have time to walk around and take some pictures before the rest of the group arrived. Cooper would not let me help me look out the hole on this. He had to do it all by himself.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010
I just have to share a few moments we have had the past few weeks. Have you ever been so exhausted that you have no idea what is going on around you? I am there. Sometimes in the middle of the night I will wake up and wonder if I put Cameron back in his bassinet, when did I feed him last, is he in bed with us, am I still feeding him. At times I have no idea what is going on. Steve has a good one though. Last night he was a little restless and it wasn't near time to eat again so Steve got up and rocked him for a few minutes and it did the trick. By the time he woke back up it had been about 4 1/2 hours since he last ate. I made the comment that it would be great if he could do that without being rocked. Which my husband asks me "did you rock him, for how long" I had to remind him that no, he was the one who got up, not me.
First Day of School
Cooper had his first experience going to a school this morning. So of course I just had to take a picture.

Since he is about to age out of First Steps with his speech therapy, we decided to have him tested in the school system for further services. We had to be at Utica Elementary bright and early at 9:00 am today. Bless his heart he was so excited. He kept calling it "his school" and was so excited to see the school buses.
We wont know the results for a couple of weeks but I'm pretty sure he qualified. His language skills are at or above his age level it's just his articulation he needs work on. Steve & I can carry on full conversations with him but of course we know his habits as well.
He has his last speech service with his current therapist at the end of the month. The state is changing some of the regulations regarding First Steps, basically it's going to make it harder for therapist to practice, which is a shame because there are so many children out there that don't get the necessary early intervention they need. Our therapist had to find another job, which she starts November 1st. Therefore she is discharging him 3 weeks early. Cooper is going to be so sad not to play with Ms Dolly each week. On a brighter note, she will be working with Steve. So we will see her.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Randoms from the week
My Oh My
This was our kitchen after dinner last night. I try to take up for Cooper by saying he is left handed so things come a little bit harder for him, but really there is no excuse for this. He is almost three. I almost didn't know where to start by cleaning up. It looked like we had 4 or 5 kids eating dinner.

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