Monday, November 23, 2009

What do I have to do....

to get people to listen to me?

Tomorrow is our initial meeting with First Steps. We go over the program and fill out paperwork and hopefully get an evaluation set up. They need two things from us; proof of income (3 consecutive pay stubs) and a copy of insurance card. I got out the pay stubs last night and laid them on the kitchen table underneath Steve's car keys. I told him that we HAVE to get this copied tomorrow and if he forgets he is going back out when he gets off work to copy them. Why should I have to do it when he works somewhere with a copier. Makes sense, right?

I got up this morning after he had left for work and guess what I found on the kitchen table? You guessed, the pay stubs. If I was a mean person I would just leave them there and make him do it tonight, but luckily my mom works close and I can go there and make copies. And he wonders why I tell him things 2 or 3 times.


ginmommy said...

By "people" you mean STEVE!!! Tee hee...this made me laugh. I hear you sister, sometimes I wonder why I even talk ;)

Tracey said... are preaching to the choir!!! Sometimes I wonder if Eric thinks I tell him things just to hear myself talk! :)

Jill said...

Ha! I can totally relate to this! :-)

Susie said...

It must be a guy thing because Wayne never remembers what I have told him.I wonder why I even say anything to him.