Wow... what a fun week. If I counted correctly, Cooper wore his costume and went trick or treating a total of 5 times. We went to Steve's work on Tuesday, our play group at church had a Halloween party on Wed, we did trick or treat at Tot Time on Thurs, we went to our church event on Fri, and then the "real" trick or treat on Saturday. I tried to hand back out some of the candy that Cooper got but we didn't have a lot of trick or treaters in our neighborhood. Looks like Steve will be taking candy to work this week. So, are you ready to see the costume?
Here he is, my little Nemo!!!

We had to take the hat off a few times, he got a little hot. He is getting more brave each week at Tot Time.

We had a good time at church on Friday. We usually do trunk or treat but our parking lot is a construction zone so they had it indoors and had games for the kids. Thankfully we got there early because it was packed and super hot inside. The hat didn't last long but we managed a few quick pictures.

Here he is trying out the penny toss. He was too cute, if he ever got to pick out his candy he went straight for the sucker every time.

This was a bowling game, he got confused when the bottles were knocked over and he had to help pick them up.

Cooper loves corn hole.

Finally here are some from Saturday night. He was getting a little upset at first because he wanted the candy we were handing out, just getting a little anxious.

I love my Nemo!

We took turns taking him out so one of us could stay home and hand out candy. Steve took him down our street and there was a man dressed up like a gorilla scaring the kids. Cooper got a little freaked out but the whole way home kept turning around calling out for the monkey.

Once we settled in for the night I got brave and let him try out popcorn for the first time. To say he loved it is a bit of an understatement.

We all had such a good time. The fun doesn't stop here, we have birthdays and more holidays on the way, lots of blogging coming soon!
That's the cutest Nemo, I've ever seen ;) BTW, I love the hat he's wearing while eating popcorn, so cute.
Such cute photos! It looks like the church did a great job! He's a cutie patootie!!!!
Love the Nemo costume! :-)
That is the cutest costume ever! Brooklyn would have loved it!
How did I miss all of these great posts! For some reason, certain blogs aren't updating on my blogroll.
Anyhoo---LOVE the costume! He looks adorable!
Love the Nemo
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