Saturday, August 30, 2008
Labor Day Weekend
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Remember when...
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Time for Cooper's close-up

And finally my little sleepy guy. His naps are starting to shift and his first nap is getting later and longer and it's getting harder and harder to get him to take a second nap. When he does take a second nap he goes to bed later, sometimes an hour and half later than normal. Except today, he didn't take a second nap at all. Anyway, the other day we knew we could not hold him out and wanted him to take at least a quick 20 minute nap. We decide to go take our recyclables to the recycle place (sorry I couldn't think of what it is called) just to get him to go to sleep. Here he is when we got him home and we were trying to wake him.

Sunday, August 24, 2008
2 Missions...
The second goal is doing some things around the house. This is for two reasons, one I need to make things a little bit more baby proof and two I need to maximize space a little more. I cleaned out our hall closet yesterday and have some room for more stuff, I plan on cleaning out the spare bedroom closet this week. For the first year in our house both spare bedrooms where junk rooms. For the past two years we have had a huge yard sale in May and made about $200 each time. I don't know how we accumulate so much stuff. Next month we are having another one at Steve's parents house. I've already gotten some stuff together. I'm not holding on to anything this time around. I think one day I'm going to take Cooper to my in-laws and just spend the entire day cleaning and reorganizing. For some strange reason I'm really excited about this.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
9 Month Checkup
I've been putting off replacing the car seat carrier we have until he gets to be a year that way I don't have to have installed rear facing and then forward facing, I just thought I would do it all at once. However, at the rate we are going I won't be able to face him forward until he is like 18 months. So, I am on a mission to find a convertible car seat. It's getting hard to lift that carrier in the middle of the car. That is my goal for this week and next is to get a new car seat and have it installed.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Happy 9th Month Birthday!
We go to the doctor on Thursday, I will post stats then.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Go Colts!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Our Weekend
Here he is after Steve decided to push the stroller under the mist they blow out to cool people down. Turns out it was more like a water fall that soaked the stroller and Cooper. He didn't like it at all. So of course, Mommy had to get him out and make it all better.
The end of the weekend was the cutest. Every night we read That's Not My Puppy, and Cooper likes to help us turn the pages then at the end of the book he gives his puppy a kiss on the nose. Last night we had to read it like 4 times, by the third time he was giving every puppy a kiss, it was the sweetest thing. We have it on tape if someone can let me know how to post a video, that would be great.
Have a great week!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Daddy's Boy
Cooper's First Popsicle
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
My Little Explorer
Play time with Corbin
Thanks to Corbin and Melanie for having us over and to Melanie for the awesome brunch she made!