Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Summer in iPhone Pictures

Since I blogged about the last day of one school year on the post as I did the first day of the next year it's only fitting I blog about summer now.

If you follow me on Instagram all these pictures are a repeat.

We spent a lot of our summer at the pool.  

One night they wanted to go on a walk with me and it turned into Cameron walking like a dog.  There is a section of sidewalk where a dog had walked on before it dried so it was the paw prints.. it's only natural he follows the path.

Also lots of this went on.  

We had baseball for about a week past school.  

I love this picture. Cooper is caked in mud and dirt.  I was so proud of him, be became quite the hitter. 

We met Christy and the kids at Perrin Park one morning.  We were on the playground and the YMCA daycare bus showed up, it was like a scene from a horror movie when all the kids came running out.

The boys and I randomly went to Bass Pro one morning and they had a fishing exhibition.  Fun surprise!

The same morning we went to Lowe's for their Kids Clinic.  We were a sight.  I should have gotten one set to do because although they came with instructions we were on our own. 

Mr. Sam from church graduated high school this year and is heading to USI.  Cameron is sure going to miss him, he had to stop by his party and wish him luck.

Steve didn't take much time off work this summer but he did have a few days off for comp days from working the weekend.  We took one day to go to Holiday World.  These are out of order but this is our after shot from The Voyage.

This was our before.. ha!

One Friday night we went to a Bats game as part of the Paxton Group appreciation night.

4-H Fair fun!

On another comp day we went to Squire Boon Caverns,

My dad gave us his tickets to Holiday World for his company picnic.  A free ticket and meal, so back we went.

A couple weeks before school started we went to VBS at Charlestown Independent Church.  It was superhero theme.

This is what a half week of VBS does to someone.

They earned prizes on the last day, silly boy.

They waited all week for Superman day.

This is what a full week does to someone.

When I registered the kids for school we were living at my moms so I knew they probably had her address for the home visits.  My friend Dawn ended up having Cameron on her list and she caught it and made the extra trip to our house.  He is loving kindergarten!